7 Steps to Study Better

My parents didn't raise a quitter! But they did raise a procrastinator...

The end of the night is nigh and the clock is ticking. The keyboard is being tapped away aggressively while you write and write your latest assignment, while you silently swear at yourself for not putting the time in sooner.

"But how come I'm behind on my tasks? What went wrong? How did I lose my focus?"

"Oh wait... well there was endless social media checking. But that's it... oh and I ended up spending a bit of time looking for the perfect focus playlist...but I finished that well befor....ah and then I remembered other life things to do before my studying."

Sound familiar? If so, you're not alone!

Check out the tips below for how you can keep yourself focused and awake for studying!


Be better organised

Don't kid yourself that although things seem chaotic, you know where everything is! Being organised can be a massive help as it frees your mind of trying to remember how to make order out of your chaos. A tidy mind is a productive mind!

So schedule your study time and work on a decluttered desk. You will see how much better you feel.


Get inspiration

It can be challenging to be motivated when you lack inspiration, and inspiration can be in short supply when you are in the middle of months of study. Don't let yourself burn out!

Call someone when you need a pep talk, read an inspirational story, or watch something uplifting or that makes you laugh on TV.



Set goals for yourself

A long study period is a marathon, not a sprint. Just like marathon runners stop for water along the way, you need to set your own study goal pit stops to monitor your progress and have the satisfaction of having ticked off another milestone.

You will be spurred on to carry on the good work. Don't set unrealistic targets either; that will set you up to fail. Start small and work up.


Create a study playlist

People study in different ways; some like to sit in complete silence while others get inspired by music. Don't wait till you are actually studying to look for something to listen to. Sod's law says that you won't be able to find what you are looking for and will waste time while you search.

Instead, create your focus playlist before you start studying. Or you can find brilliant ones on free streaming sites like Spotify so that it is ready to go when you are! There is no right or wrong music to study with; it's whatever works for you.



Move your body

You may not know it, but when you move around, the brain cells are stimulated into life, so taking a break from your studies will always be a great idea. In addition, short breaks with physical exercise, even if that is just a few stretches, will be a significant boost to your concentration.


Pace yourself

Remember what we said about a marathon rather than a sprint? Where study is concerned, you need to pace yourself to avoid burnout.

Make a plan and stick to it, gradually increasing your study times as the final exams approach.



Think brain food

You cannot study or do anything else if you do not take in the right fuel for your body and brain. Energy drinks are a quick fix but bring you crashing down when the short-term sugar high ends.

These are a few good choices that will give long-lasting energy:

  • Small amounts of caffeine can help with concentration.
  • Blueberries offer memory-boosting agents.
  • Bananas enhance memory
  • Whole grains of oatmeal, brown rice and whole-grain bread improve blood flow through the brain
  • Good news for chocolate lovers because dark chocolate combats cognitive decline, and the natural stimulation of caffeine helps you focus.

Find your own routine and commit to studying time, whether its half an hour in the morning or the evening. You'll get to know your own routine and you'll see results soon!

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Lisa Spencer
Marketing Manager