Teaching Assistant – part 2

Teaching Assistant – part 2

Here at the https://www.thelearningstation.co.uk/ we offer a variety of courses – beginner through to advanced English classes and practical learning to help you find you're first paid Employment in the UK. Our courses can be one to one, classroom based, or accessed through online learning so that you can progress your learning at a location and a pace that suits you.  One of our courses involves a market segment that is set to continue to grow. The role of a teaching assistant has it's detractors but it is a highly valued position across most of the teaching profession. It also leaves the Assistant some of the advantages that Teachers deploy from their roles, the long holidays and extended time off during the summertime and the enduring pleasure of working with children that most teachers experience. There can be challenges of course – in the UK there is a system of rating schools provided by the Government body OFCOM. There website can be viewed at any time to view the rating system and look at particular areas or schools that you might look to work in should you obtain a Teaching Assistant qualification. Those with lower rating may have challenging work environments but at the same time a multi-cultural environment that these schools often have as a characteristic can have wider needs that you can contribute to. Certainly arguably there are more children at these schools that need specific attention and help with their studies. Should you have experience of working in a cross cultural environment this may well help your chance of being a successful teaching Assistant. For a specific analysis of what sorts of tasks and involvement that a teaching assistant has in an everyday school environment Cornwall's education portal offer this description (https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/education-and-learning/schools-and-colleges/meeting-individual-needs/part-2-roles-and-responsibilities/the-role-and-deployment-of-teaching-assistants-(ta)) 'Teaching Assistants support the class or subject teacher to meet the needs of individuals or groups of pupils with special needs. TAs may also work with children who have Statements of Special Educational Needs, either 1-1, in a group or as part of the whole class. Specific responsibilities can be assigned to TAs: these can be administrative and or instructional. The TA, under the guidance of the teacher, carries out programmes of work, for example, small group literacy and numeracy support programmes. HLTAs (higher level teaching assistants) are having a significant impact in supporting class teachers' It is worth reading the remainder of their guidance through the hyperlink above as it talks about other more specialist positions that a Teaching Assistant can progress to after a number of years general experience in the position.   There are at least 180 assisted learning hours involved in all of the courses that we teach in this area, so you do need to be committed to complete this level of study to successfully complete the course. However on doing so you receive a UK recognised qualification such as the Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools (QCF) With https://www.thelearningstation.co.uk/  as your training partner you can increase your job security, look to make the appropriate steps to get on the career ladder or mover to another level and thrive in any environment. Why not take a look at our website today.
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