Apprentices – How they benefit your company

Apprentices – How they benefit your company

Here at The Learning Station we provide Apprenticeships to employers and learners across the board.

If you’re an employer and have not yet considered recruiting an apprentice, here’s a few things that might persuade you;

> You may be eligible for a grant of £1,500 per apprentice if your company employs less than 50 employees and your apprentice is aged 16 to 24.

> For as little as £3.30 per hour you could have an Apprentice working in your organisation, learning practical skills on the job, while attending our college 1 day every two weeks.

> 80% of companies who have taken on an apprentice have reported a significant increase in employee retention, over 70% believe it makes them more competitive.

> Apprentices are willing to learn and mold to your company’s needs, they also have strong knowledge of government legislations as this is a key part of apprenticeship framework.

Apprentices may not have experience, but they have many other attributes that benefit companies. Apprentices will often have ICT skills which outweighs the skills of many companies current employees as they have used this technology since a young age.

Most companies will already be aware of this, employers tend to rely on apprentices to manage most of their most IT programmes. Young people will generally have strong knowledge of most softwares and adapt quickly and effectively and maybe even develop softwares, this is because they have used social media for such a long time.

Due to the nature of using social media, where young people are continuously interacting with people of different cultures, ages and beliefs,  they tend to have an outstanding customer service skill in a variety of different sectors and will work well in any team.

If you want more information on reasons to employ an apprentice and how your company may benefit, contact us now on; 0208 342 7215

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