Two themes becoming more relevant

Two themes becoming more relevant

There are two themes that are becoming more and more relevant concerning how we address the workplace and its constant demands.

Firstly the need for lifelong learning. Business has never operated at a greater speed of change. This is far more likely to continue rather than halt over the next 20-30 years and people are going to have to become more adaptive to changing workplaces needing to refresh existing and learn new skills. Secondly the likelihood of career change occurring over the course of a working lifetime has never been more likely. The demand for mechanisation and streamlining of workplaces again has been stronger and workers are going to need to be more adept and agile at managing their careers and preparing themselves for new working options as time goes by.

Henry Ford once is once reputed to have said

'Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.'

Recent studies have shown that challenging your brain, arousing the brain to create new patterns is an important factor in maintaining an active and health brain. Also demographic patterns are going to demand that we require more of workers as they grow old – not so much in terms of straining their well being by asking them to work incrementally more but for them to maintain their place in the workforce for longer. There are fewer younger people in the UK than in previous generations as the number of average children per couple is falling, but also with life expectancy increasing people as going to need to be looked after by the health sector for longer. Over time this will surely lead to an appreciation that workers will have to stay active in the workplace far more than they used to accumulate the extra taxes required to pay for a longer periods of costly healthcare particularly from the public Healthcare service the NHS.

Everyone knows that companies with massive financial and people resources have ceased to be in existence so often over the past 20 years. Woolworths, Clinton Cards, Oddbins, Comet, all companies with a rich history, but who went to the wall by not keeping up with new trends. It's not that different with careers with traditional careers often changing radically in their nature from the time when initial qualifications were received. Initial skills need to be topped up constantly to at least

be competitive in the workplace both individually and collectively and the impact particularly of Technology on the day to day performance at work just cannot be ignored.

Here at we are constantly striving to offer courses that will keep individuals and work enterprises competitive with their peers – we offer Diploma Standard qualifications in Health and Social Care (QCF), Health and Safety certification for those in or looking to enter the Construction industry, and a number of Customer Service modules for those looking to adopt best practice in face to face, online or telephony interaction with customers. We are prepared for the changing demands of a modern workplace and we would be delighted to discuss on of offline any specific or generic training needs that you or your organisation may have.

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