A wave of Change in the UK

A wave of Change in the UK

The UK is undergoing a wave of change and optimism. The billions of extra trade deals done with the Chinese Government as a direct result of the visit of their Premier Xi Jinping and his wife Pen Liyuan to the UK last week there has never been a better time for business and workplace opportunities. The Chinese have had difficulties with obtaining Visas for their citizens to the UK over the past few years, a topic that was no doubt also on the agenda between Mr Jinping and Mr Cameron last week. However the British government, although under pressure from some of its voters to limit the number of new entrants into the UK, has in practice operated thus far an open door policy with 330,000 net migrants (those entering the country from overseas to work minus UK citizens leaving the country to work or live in another country) to the UK in the year to March 2015 according to the Office of National Statistics.

We understand at  www.www.trainingdirect.co.uk moving to a new country and learning to adapt to its cultural and practical workplaces is one of the most difficult challenges that you as an employee/contractor or as an employer of migrants could face. We don't believe that you should be left to try to understand the requirements of the UK's systems alone and offer full and Professional service and support for a range of specific needs that you may have.

We can guide you through the specific Visa application that you may require assisting you in assessing your options and completing the specifics of the required application with you.

We can offer practical support with improving your English to conversational or business English standard (ESOL) with our experienced and patient tutors. Classes are available during evening and full day seminars at the weekend and out tutors are more than happy to offer offline support between course sessions too

We offer practical support and training to obtain the required standards for completing the Government's naturalisation or B1 EXAM indefinite Leave To Remain exams

We offer courses that offer skills that you may require for entry level jobs in the UK in Construction or Bar/Event/Club/Private Security for example. We have had hundreds of people just like you who have successfully passed through our  CSCS Construction Skills training, Health and Safety training, Security Guard training and gone on to

obtain full time positions in London and elsewhere

We offer course that support you throughout your new career in the UK – many of our security staff trainees have returned to complete their Door Supervisor and Door Supervisor up skilling often moving on to new supervisory and better paid roles as a result.

Our courses offer industry wide recognised qualifications which will enhance your CV and greatly improve your employability and career mobility. Employers rate both our training and those that have qualified from our training courses. In some your employer may even sponsor or part pay for your up skills training

Why not take a look at our website today  www.www.trainingdirect.co.uk. We can answer any enquiries that you have on your training needs and look forward to partner with you on your career journey.

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