Study Tips: Understanding Your Own Learning Style

Everyone has their own unique learning style. But unfortunately, many of us don't know what our own learning style is. It is probably why there are some students who struggle to grasp information and others who are able to understand what they are learning. Most schools offer a rigid teaching system that may not be adaptable to certain learning styles. And this can actually affect a student's confidence, especially when it comes to a student being labelled as either “bright" or “dumb.” Just imagine having that label of being called “dumb”? It is not nice and no student should be called that. Even if they don't know their own learning style. The purpose of this blog post is to share the 7 different learning styles that are known. But before I share these learning styles, I want to make you aware that no one is restricted to one particular learning style. It is widely believed that everyone incorporates the 7 different learning styles, but there is a possibility a person will have a dominant learning style. So without further a do, here are the 7 learning styles:


Being someone who prefers a visual style of learning likes to use pictures and images, rather reading words in a text book. If they are able to see a visual representation of the text, then they'll get a better understanding of what needs to be learnt.


Some people can listen to the sound of music and be able to remember the lyrics immediately. With regards to studying, aural learners work best when using both sound and music. To show you a perfect example of how to approach this learning style, here's an amazing song about the periodic table: [embed][/embed] At the time of writing, this video has more than 10 million views. If you can memorise this song, then you know the periodic table inside out.


Verbal learners prefer the use of words which include both speech and writing. Most schools tend to adapt to this learning style. And it is easy to see why, it takes less time to prepare lessons. As a verbal learner, they tend to write pages and pages of notes. The process of writing notes helps them to both remember and get a better understanding of what they are learning.


The physical learning style is more of a hands-on approach to learning. The person who adapts this learning style likes to get a feel of what they are doing. They prefer to learn as they are doing the assignment or task.


Those who have been good at maths back at school are definitely logical learners. There's no doubt about that. Logical learners prefer using logic, reasoning and different systems. They also enjoy playing games which requires logical thinking like chess and battleships.


The social learning style involves studying in groups or with other people. These learners love interacting with different people and they get motivated by talking about a study topic. These learners tend to be involved in different study groups or they even organise their own study group.


If you prefer working or studying on your own then you're a solitary learner. These learners tend to make time to learn on their own. They value self-study and doing their own research.

What Is Your Learning Style?

The learning styles mentioned above are not concrete. They should be seen as a guidance so you can become self-aware of your own style of learning style. Take a moment to review what type of learning style you prefer. In doing so, you might find out that your preferred method of learning is a combination of three of learning styles mentioned above. Or may be you have one particular learning style that suits you. Everyone is different. The Learning Station offers a wide range of online distance learning courses which will definitely appeal to those who prefer to study in solidarity. But that is not the case. Studying via distance learning can allow you to incorporate different study styles. For instance, you can talk to a group of friends or relative about your studies so you can incorporate a social learning style. You can even use Mind Maps and pictures to help you make your learning more visual. There are many ways you can adapt to your preferred learning style on to a distance learning course. You just need to use your imagination. Featured image: Pexels
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