First Aid

First Aid

Here at the we offer a variety of courses – beginner through to advanced English classes and practical learning to help you find you’re first paid Employment in the UK. Our courses can be one to one, classroom based, or accessed through online learning so that you can progress your learning at a location and a pace that suits you.  One of our courses involves a market segment that is set to continue to grow.


The morning broadcast of BBC Radio London this morning publicised the fact that St John’s Ambulance (a volunteer organisation that operates the emergency first Aid facilities at various live events including many football stadiums) are going to offer first aid training free to teenagers in schools across the country. These lessons, one could perhaps say unlike other school lessons, could save a life.

CPR is defined by the NHS’s website as;

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a first aid technique that can be used if someone is not breathing properly or if their heart has stopped. Chest compressions and rescue breaths keep blood and oxygen circulating in the body.


..and is basically a rescue technique using hands or even your mouth to try to resuscitate someone who is experiencing severe breathing problems. This can happen for example when someone is having a heart attack.


Epilepsy is suffered by enough people for most to have seen such an occurrence in a workplace – but there is a risk in both the after effects of a seizure and the fall that can injure the person who is having the seizure – again as defined by the NHS

The main symptoms of epilepsy are repeated seizures. There are many different types of seizure, depending on the area of the brain affected.

People with epilepsy can experience any type of seizure, although most people have a consistent pattern of symptoms.


At least a basic knowledge of medical conditions and incidents that can occur in the workplace is required by law in the UK. In fact most workplaces do need a designated first aid trained staff member. If you weren’t lucky enough to be part of the Boy Scouts or Girl guides in the UK and learned these skills as a youngster now maybe the time to be trained in such matters. Learning that could help a family member, a friend, or a passer-by someday too.


Our Emergency First Aid for work results in you getting a recognised qualification that can be taken with you through your career. It results in the participant becoming an Emergency First Aider in the workplace for the purposes of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (NI) 1982. It’s most likely not going to put too much of a dent in your training budget, we could be clichéd too and say that it won’t cost you an arm and a leg!

With  as your training partner you can both increase your job security and thrive in any environment. Why not take a look at our website today.

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