Education Secretary Michael Gove: Teachers Deserve Better Pay

Education Secretary Michael Gove: Teachers Deserve Better Pay

Education Secretary Michael Gove – the Conservative minister who is responsible for the education system in England, was recently interviewed by 12 School Reporters from across England, the BBC reported. During his interview, Mr Gove said that a lot is now being demanded of teachers because more was required of students entering the modern-day workplace. Mr Gove also said comprehensive schools were in many cases better than their private counterparts. The interview followed the closure of thousands of schools in England and Wales on Wednesday, as teachers joined picket lines in action over pay, pensions and conditions.
“Teachers should definitely be paid more than they are at the moment. [It's also a] way for state schools to point out that in many cases they are better than private schools.”
To see the interview for yourself, check out the BBC's coverage. You can also see the full version of the interview right here.

Do Teachers Deserve Better Pay?

With modern day business and even general workplaces constantly evolving, do teachers have a bigger job on ther hands in preparing students for the outside world? Let us know your thoughts on that, and Mr Gove's comments, below. Image:  BBC
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