6 Great Reasons to Become a Teacher

There are so many reasons to become a teacher. Every year, teachers ask their young students what they want to be when they grow up. As children, most of us wanted to be firefighters, footballers, and superheroes. But it's fair to say that not many of us considered a career as a teacher. But as we mature, we get to see why our teachers made the decision to teach. And it is shame we didn't see why when we were too busy dreaming about being a footballer or whatever. In this blog post, I share 6 great reasons to become a teacher. Hopefully, these reasons will inspire you to consider a career in teaching.

1. Do It For The Children

I know you've heard this one before and it is a little cliché, but clichés are wrapped in truths. The truth is nothing is more fulfilling than helping others. By teaching, you're not only helping to expand the minds of the younger generation but  you're also contributing to your community by producing a more informed population.

2. Teaching Yourself

The best way to learn a subject deeply is to teach it. In fact, my first job was tutoring younger students at math. This was terrifying for me because math had always been my academic Achilles heel. However, I quickly found that by helping these children with their math, I improved my grasp of the fundamentals which in turn made my math classes much easier.

3. Help Counterbalance The Bad Teachers

It's sad but true. We've all experienced a bad teacher or two. These were teachers that were always mean or otherwise had no passion for education. Unfortunately, you can't go back in time and beg your parents to let you switch courses. However, by becoming a teacher yourself and making a commitment to never be a bad teacher, you might just help undo someone else's bad experience.

4. Opportunity to Continue a Legacy

Just because we've all experienced a bad teacher or two doesn't mean that we didn't have some amazing ones. I can recall every year in school where there was at least one teacher I couldn't wait to see. It's those teachers that stick out in your memory as shining examples of mentorship that you should attempt to mimic. By doing so, this is your opportunity to pay forward what that teacher meant to you.

5. A Superior Schedule

Up until this point, everything I have said has been nice, but maybe for you, it isn't practical enough. You need good pragmatic reasons to devote your life to educating others. How about that as a teacher, you get more off time than your average working person? Also, most schools begin and finish at the same time every day making it easier for you to plan your day around. That coupled with your summer and holiday breaks allow plenty of time for you to work on side projects.

6. A Sense of Security

Often the first thing on anyone's mind when choosing a career is stability. Nobody wants to put their all into something that will just be outdone by a robot, or made obsolete by some other emerging technology. Luckily for teachers, there will always be students who need instruction. Although you might some day be doing that instruction as a hologram or in some other science fiction inspired way -- you'll still be getting paid for it.

How To Become a Teacher in The UK

Wondering how to get start your career as a teacher? Well you need to complete a PGCE qualification in order to become a fully qualified teacher. You also need a university degree as well to be able to enrol on to a PGCE course. However, if you're unable to go to university, then we at The Learning Station can help. We're a London-based training provider that offer a wide range of distance and online courses that can be completed in your own time. Our teaching assistant courses can help you experience what it is like to be in a teaching environment.And it also helps you get your foot in the door as well. If you're interested, then please visit our main website.  

Spread Your Knowledge

So, do you want to become a teacher? Are you motivated by helping others? Maybe some of the other benefits I mentioned appeal to you, or perhaps I've missed something. Please let us know in the comments section.
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