How to Network as an Online Student

I've covered the benefits of studying from home before, but networking isn't something that comes naturally when you're stuck in four walls. In fact, it can be easy to assume that networking as an online student is impossible — but that just isn't true. Below, I have compiled a list of ways to help you build an awesome network to go along with your online education.

1. Join Student Organisations

Surprisingly enough most institutions allow their online students to participate in student organisations. In fact, you can even be an SGA (Student Government Association) representative that gives a voice to online students at important meetings. Go to your universities website and find their list of organisations. Then you should be able to determine who's in charge of those organisations and find their email address. They'll be happy to give you meeting times and will have no issue with you sitting in on the first meeting to get a feel for it.

2. Be Active on Social Media

First I should point out that if your social media accounts are still named @SuperThug8 or @D&DManiac it's time to change it to something a little more adult. Nothing fancy, just use some version of your first and last name. Once you have a professional twitter account, LinkedIn, Facebook, or whatever social platform you prefer let people know what you study in your bio. Try to connect with other people in similar situations by going through the tags and doing quick searches on the site. These people could land your dream job down the road.

3. Travel to Events

Are you studying Biology? Then look around and see if there are any yearly scientific talks, presentations, or other such events near your area that you can set your schedule around. You can do this no matter what subject you study, besides those kinds of events can actually be a ton of fun. If you're having trouble finding anything, talk to a professor in that field at any university. They usually attend these talks too.

4. Start a Blog

You don't have to love writing to enjoy blogging. Blogs are an excuse to geek out about your favourite subjects. If you are able to produce great content and apply the right digital marketing techniques, then you are creating exposure for yourself. Not only can a blog help you appreciate and understand your subject more deeply, it can help you build a network with your readers and other bloggers. Plus it can also look great on your CV.

5.  Join Online Forums

Online discussion forums are a great way to get involved in a niche community. You'd be surprised at just how many online communities exist among the most specific subjects. Once you get involved in a community that suits you, you can begin making friends with people with similar interests. You can do that by reaching out via private message and then adding them on social media. A great place to find an online community is through Reddit.

6. Don't be Afraid to Reach Out

This is actually true of any sort of networking. Nobody wants to be the first to stick their hand out but someone has to be first. Especially online. When you're networking as an online student there is no sense of pressure to actually talk to anyone so you have to be proactive about it. Some people you can reach out to are your professors, fellow students, and alumni. You can usually find out who these people are by digging around on your school's website.

Building a Network is Crucial

With more people having access to self-educate themselves. This does present a downside. And that's being able to stick out. It isn't enough to have high marks anymore. You can't just show up at your dream job, hand them your CV, and demand a job. You have to know people. The good news is now you know it isn't hard. You have the tools and the knowledge available to build a network that can carry you further than your merit alone. In fact, networking online allows you to spread yourself out over a larger area of people. Do you have any networking tips or questions as an online student? Leave them in the comments below.
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