How To Make Studying Fun (In 5 Steps)

Whether you're in secondary schooling or at university, the only real way to get and maintain good grades is through studying. And this takes time and effort. And just like anything else that requires time and effort, studying can get incredibly boring. But that is not always the case. With a little bit of determination and a pinch of imagination, you can make studying more fun. And when you begin to enjoy your study time, you'll start to see your grades improve. To help you get started, we've listed 5 ways in making studying more fun and interesting:

1. Study Fun Subjects

This is particularly pertinent to students who are at university. They usually have more choice in what academic subjects they want  pursue. However, I can't stress how important it is to pick subjects that you have an interest in. Many have fallen in to a trap of picking subjects that promises a bigger salary. Okay, we all want to have a bigger salary, but it will feel like a burden if you're only interested in the pay packet rather than the subject itself. When you're naturally inclined to study a subject simply out of pure interest, you'll notice that you'll bring in so much enthusiasm and energy towards studying. And the best thing, your tutor and the rest of your class mates will notice this and it will leave an ever-lasting positive impression.  

2. Study in a Personalised Setting

It is crucial that you have you're own space to study. The right environment can have huge difference to your productivity when it comes to studying. But the right environment is all down to personal choice. Some feel that they're productive by studying in a library. Others prefer to work in a coffee shop. Heck, I even know someone who feels more productive when they're wearing their pyjamas. Go for a setting or environment that makes you feel happy. You're more likely to enjoy the work that you're doing instead of dreading it.

3. Bring Your Friends Along

Even if your friends aren't studying the same subjects as you are, or if they aren't studying at all, they can still provide great company. Having people around makes time go by faster. One way of incorporating your friends into your study routine is by inviting them over for drinks. Just before a big exam, make some flashcards or a study guide and then lure your friends in with their favourite beverages and snacks and coax them into reading your flash cards to you. You'll get to test your knowledge and socialise at the same time. However, you need to be aware of those friends who will distract you from your studies. For best results, stick to hanging out with those friends who have the same goals in mind.

4. Break it Up

I know that it can be tempting to sit at your desk with a pile of textbooks and just power through all of your course materials. However, we do know that this method it isn't going to be any fun. Simply powering through assignment after assignment will make you neglect meals, leisure time, and time to  socialise. What I suggest you do instead is rather than trying to get everything done all at once so you can either watch your favourite show, playing video games, or going out with friends. You can fit these activities into your study routine. In other words, get organised. To give you an example, you can do your math assignments in morning before you grab some lunch with friends and then return home to do some reading. Then afterwards, you can allow yourself time to catch up on your favourite programs. It is as easy as that. This way, you won't be constantly working all the time but taking breaks in between.

5. Stop Dreading Homework

I know that homework can seem like the last thing you want to spend your time doing, but it is important for your success. Also, the “boring” work doesn't stop once you've finished studying. (And I talking from experience here.) So make the effort to make your studying more fun and interesting. It would be worth your time. 

Studying With The Learning Station

If you're interesting in studying a new a qualification or skill, then why not get in contact with The Learning Station? Our courses are distance learning so you can study at your own time. If you have any questions about our courses, you can contact us on either 0845 026 8402 or [email protected].
  Thanks for reading. So how do you make studying fun? Let me know in the comments section below!
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