Health and Safety risk profiling

Health and Safety risk profiling

Everyone knows that there is a natural human inclination to cut corners. Remember that first day in the Gym, when you are assigned to a supervisor who shows you how to use each piece of equipment properly and how each exercise to be performed. This painstaking tour is one that many people who have changed gym Brands occasionally could well have taken more than once on their recent past. And yet almost as soon as the instructor turns his or her back and certainly within a few weeks the way that you are using this equipment and performing the exercises in a way that bests get some reward for the time spent in the Gym but using techniques that are often honed to bring about the least pain whilst kidding ourselves that the exercise is being done properly. So it may transpire to be with Health and Safety requirements too. Most people who don't understand the regulations have at least noticed fire extinguishers, emergency exits, danger toxic materials, first aid kits etc. in both public places and workplaces (public places it can be easy to forget are often both). However perhaps there is always something else to do that to get to grips with what is required to be done to meet the current standards, in particular if you are in a new position where you are involved in these responsibilities for the first time – maybe after having set up a business and moved into a business premises for the first time. There is possibly one very good reason though to get on top of the situation. The Health and Safety Executive who are responsible for implementation of the legislation relating to workplace suitability have recently made significant upgrades to their IT platform which names all successful prosecutions under the various pieces of law that apply to workplace Health and Safety ( A registration will be made and maintained on the database even if the company that was prosecuted for breeches appeals the court ruling – there is a 9 week lag between when the hearing is registered and when it is entered onto this database to allow for this. There is some redemption for those that have been found to be breeching requirements in a formal hearing and that is that on the register (although who knows with IT/internet footprint these days) entries for cases where companies have been found to be in breech are only required to stay on the register for 5 years. However as the point was hinted at above can you really afford to have your business reviewed online, as so many people do these days, and for one of the first entries to appear on Google to be a court case regarding a fine for providing unsafe working conditions?

We try to enable you to get up to speed with a variety of courses depending on the type of workplace that you are involved with – our Basic Hazardous Substances Awareness Course;

  • Covers key topics in dealing with hazardous substance and fulfils your  legal responsibilities with regard to learning about such (we cannot be held responsible for the implementation for the procedures required though, that's up to you subsequent to the course's completion)
  • It covers employees responsibilities at their work place, how to recognise hazardous substances, signs and symbols that are used to define substances
  • Control measures to be taken
  • The skills and knowledge to use hazardous substances without risk and injury

The Basic Health and Safety Awareness course  is suitable for individuals want to learn the basics of health and safety and provides an understanding of health and safety responsibilities in the workplace and also fulfils legal responsibilities and includes modules on manual handling, occupational health, appropriate measures to be maintained to ensure a safe and healthy workplace, work equipment, accidents – the treatment of a variety of circumstances that can occur in the workplace and how to record such incidents, electricity safety and maintenance, fire safety drills and factors to be aware of, a full run down of the suite of legislation that may apply to your workplace and best first aid practices and procedures.

Our Accident Prevention and Risk Assessment course is designed to give participants a broad understanding of the accident prevention process, looking at the benefits of producing risk assessments while putting the emphasis on practical training exercises and real-life case studies. Some of the specific topics covered include the principles and benefits of accident prevention, a basic understanding of the human factors that can cause error occur, accident reporting, producing risk assessments and lots of practical exercises and case studies to keep the learning pacey and stimulating for participants.   There courses can be taught one to one but it is usual for us to tutor in batches so why not send one or more of your staff on one of our courses? Prices are very reasonable, in particular considering the penalties and poor publicity can occur should you be involved in a HSE inspection that goes wrong or worse still one of staff or workspaces suffers damage in a situation where a little bit of learning could have prevented or at least mitigated the events that occurred.   With  as your training partner you can increase your job security, look to make the appropriate steps to get on the career ladder or move to another level and thrive in any environment be it as an employer, an employee, or an entrepreneur. Why not take a look at our website today
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