7 Best Foods For Memory & Brain Function During Exams

Instead of stressing yourself by trying to cram information for an upcoming exam, you can simply revise in a calming environment while eating the foods that will best enhance your abilities. Read on to learn the 10 best foods to boost your memory and exam performance.

1. Ginger

Ginger is one of those foods that help with just about everything. From weight loss to reducing stress, motion sickness and helping with common colds, people all around the world use the spice as a DIY for their health. Related content: GCSE Equivalent: Study Tips For Functional Skills Exams Indeed, people have also found that ginger even helps with memory loss. Ginger is recommended for people suffering from dementia. Studies suggest that it especially helps middle-aged people with their cognitive functions.

2. Dark Chocolate

While we think of chocolate as a guilty pleasure - dark chocolate can actually help us. With antioxidants, caffeine, and flavonoids, your brain will almost instantly become more alert and what's more, over time dark chocolate can help youthfulness. But do remember, everything in moderation. 

3. Avocados

Millenias everywhere will revel at this one - for who doesn't love an avocado?  Not only do they taste heavenly (to some), they also regulate blood flow which keeps your brain active and open to taking in new information - reducing tension and anxiety from exams. .

4. Walnuts

Walnuts should be your snack of choice for students. With vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acid and antioxidants, they will do wonders for your daily performance. According to one study, walnuts will not only improve cognitive capabilities, they even protect nervous systems against neurodegenerative attacks. Related course: GCSE Equivalent Functional Skills in English

5. Blueberries

Blueberries, blueberries, blueberries (if you don't know this reference, you must watch the YouTube video). Anyway, blueberries are tremendous antioxidants. They contain anthocyanins which fight inflammation and stress - making them excellent for your mental health. So, a food that combats stress - what could be better for exam preparation? 

6. Pine Nuts

Magnesium is known to improve someone's daily mood and general outlook on things. Such a substance helps anxiety, depression and all things stress-related for exams. So, what food contains a lot of such a wonderful thing? You guessed it... pine nuts! (I suppose the subtitle stole that punchline).  Pine nuts are an excellent choice of nibbles for students. Don't go breaking into a pine cone though - just grab a bag from your local shop. 
With more awareness, energy and vitamins, your body and mind will be working at its best.
Related course: GCSE Equivalent Functional Skills in Maths

7. Cauliflower

Vitamin B can be found in choline and where can that be found? Cauliflower, of course. Cauliflower will improve one's daily function and their cognitive abilities. Not only that, it is also beneficial for reducing toxins and maintaining youth.  So, there you have it. 7 best foods to eat to improve your memory and brain function. Include them in your week's meals prior to your exams.
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