6 Ways to Save and Make Money at University

It's a struggle for students nowadays and young people are trying to find ways to make money at university. The Financial Times recently reported that U.K. university student debt was at £86.2 billion in 2015. They also reported that 70% of students will never pay off that debt.
The cost of university has exploded, leading to some students to survive off of credit cards. Others end up dropping out of university when they try to balance full-time jobs with class schedules.
It's difficult to imagine any career worth that many headaches. But since the cost of education is so high, many school leavers are opting out of university.
However, as discouraging as all that sounds, there's plenty you can do to make money at university. I've listed some of my favourites down below.

1. Text Books

I know. I know. Textbooks usually make us think of losing money rather than saving it. But, you don't have to buy every textbook. Talk to your professors beforehand. They often include suggested reading material that you don't need to pass the class.
As for the textbooks that you do have to buy, you can get them much cheaper online. There are many websites that specialise in selling cheap university textbooks, but Amazon works fine. Sometimes, local charity shops near University campus grounds sell the books you're looking for too.
When you're finished with your books, you can sell them on to students in the year below. They'll appreciate it. 

2. Start Your Career Early

You don't need have your degree in hand to do the work it prepares you for. Websites like UpWork and Fiverr are great places to get some freelance work and experience. Whether you're studying to be a writer or designer, you can sell your skills for a profit.
And since you're a student, you may not be able to ask as much as experienced people, but that is your advantage. Many companies do hire freelancers without a degree because it saves them money.

3. Tutor

Depending on subject of your degree, you can use your knowledge to help younger people by tutoring them. If you're studying maths at University, then you can help students who are doing their Maths A-Levels.
And if you know anyone who is struggling on your degree course, you can dedicate some of your time to help them - as long as you can get paid for it. I recommend that you pursue to this option first. It's easier to set up.

4. Sell Stuff

When you arrived on campus you probably realised that you bought way too much stuff. Every new student underestimates the size of their dorm room, as do their roommates
So, sell those extra pillows. Sell the big TV, and sell the DVD collection. Anything you feel like you can live without, just sell it.

5. Choose A University That's Close to Home

Of course, you want to make sure your university of choice teaches your course. So make sure that they do. 
Living at home while you study is going to save you a lot of money. Even though you won't have the independence, at least you won't being paying rent, bills and shopping. You can always do that when you graduate. 

6. Work Study and Apprenticeships

Many colleges offer work-study programs to help students make extra money. Working on campus means that you'll have flexible hours that won't cut into class time. These jobs cover everything from office work to working in the meal area.
If you want to build your CV while you study, you can get an internship. Not all internships pay, but if you can find one that does you have to take it. It's a no-brainer. You'll make connections in your field, earn money, and gain experience.
Apprecticeships are also a great way to earn while you study. Here at The Learning Station, we have range of apprenticeship to choose from.

University Should be a Positive Experience

You're not alone when it comes to paying high university fees. But if you dedicate some time to making some extra cash, you'll find the entire experience to be more positive — and less expensive. 
You can also visit The Learning Station to learn how studying from home can save you money. While you're there, check out the many exciting qualifications you can earn in your spare time to help you get ahead in your career. If you have any other ideas on how to save and make money at university, comment below and share your thoughts.
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