35 Proven Study Hacks That Can Improve Your Memory

We scoured the web to uncover the best study hacks that can help your brain remember information better.

1. Walk Before Your Exam

Research by Dr Chuck Hillman at the University of Illinois shows that doing approximately 20 minutes of exercise before an exam can improve performance. This includes walking, pushups and sit-ups. Related image

2. Read Out Loud

This might sound a little crazy, but you are 50% more likely to remember things when reading things out loud. Just don't do this in a public library. Image result for read out loud meme

3. Treat Yourself

Remember to reward yourself after you've achieved a goal, like reading a chapter or section in a book. You can also integrate a reward system as part of your daily study habits.

4. Teach Others What You Have Learned

This works well in two ways. Firstly, by teaching someone else, you're putting your knowledge to the test. Secondly, you're coming across as very friendly. Related Learning: Functional Skills Maths

5. Use the Feynman Technique

Similar to the above hack, the Feynman technique requires you to write about the topic as if you were explaining it to a 4-year-old child.

6. Use Mind maps

Mind maps are another great study technique which makes use of visual imagery and texts so you can engage both, the logic and creative, sides of the brain. Image result for mind map

7. Draw Illustrations

When you come across a piece of information that is difficult to describe, then draw a diagram. This helps you to visualise the information, making it easier for you to recall during the exam.

8. Use a Font That is Easy to Read

Numerous studies, such as the one conducted by the University of Bristol, have found that Times New Roman is the best typeface for reading any document, making it the fastest font to read. Related Learning: Functional Skills English

9. Block Distracting Sites

Using apps like SelfControl can help you block distracting websites like Facebook and Twitter for a certain amount of time.

10. Master Google

Familiarise with all the handy tips and shortcuts to help you save time when searching for sources on the biggest search engine on the planet; Google. Follow the tips shown in the image below: Study Hacks: Search Google Like a Pro

11. Use Flashcards

Create flashcards to quickly test your knowledge of theories, key concepts, formulas and definitions. You can either create physical flash cards using a pack of index cards, or you use an app like GoConqr.

12. Take Regular Study Breaks

When you're studying very hard, you need to make time for breaks to help your brain absorb the information, and to help you maintain both your motivation and focus. After every 45 to 50 minutes, take a 5-minute break. Studying for prolonged periods without a break can impair your focus and concentration. Related image

13. Listen to the Right Type of Music

Certain genres of music can help to elevate your mood and boost your productivity. For instance, classical music can help to soothe and calm your senses. Image result for music studying meme

14. Practice, Practice, Practice

To help your brain retrieve information from your memory, practice taking sample exam questions in exam conditions.

15. Avoid Doing an All Nighter Before an Exam

Sleep is crucial for your brain to assimilate the information that you have learned. So make sure you get a decent night's sleep before the exam, it will help you remember those rather tricky maths formulas. Image result for all nighter memes

16. Watch Documentaries

Watching documentaries is excellent for learning a topic in a short space of time. And a well-produced documentary can help you remember key details more easily.

17. Study in a Group

Studying with your fellow classmates can help you bounce different ideas and concepts with one another. It'll also help you gain new insights and perspectives, which enhances your overall learning experience. Related Learning: Functional Skills ICT

18. Meditate

Meditation is a useful study hack that can help you keep focused when studying and reduce pre-exam stress. It also improves both your mental and physical health.

19. Try New Ways Of Studying

Try experimenting with different study techniques to find out which one works really well for you. Remember, everyone is different, and they will have their own learning styles.

20. Use Scent To Stimulate Your Memory

Even though this might seem like an unusual concept but if you spray a scent with a notable fragrance while you study, and then spray that same scent before your exam, it will help jog your memory.

21. Try Different Study Spaces

As creatures of habit, we will have our favourite seats in a library or a study spot when we revise for our exams. But actually, we retain information better when we vary our places of study. Trying studying in a library one day, and then in a coffee shop the next.

22. Watch YouTube

Besides watching documentaries, you can also watch videos on YouTube. There are a number of channels that provide crash courses on the topic that you're studying.

23. Regulate Caffeine Intake

For some, caffeine is their nectar of life. But for others, like me, caffeine can make one feeling rather jittery and anxious. For those in the latter, try and regulate your caffeine intake or drink something that has lower caffeine content like green tea. Image result for caffeine meme

24.  Try Writing Your Notes, Instead of Typing Them

Studies have shown that when writing things down by hand, you're exercising more cognitive functions, helping you retain information much better.

25. Break Down Your Topic

If you need to memorise a large amount of information, don't try and cram everything at once. Instead, break everything down into smaller, manageable chunks, and assign a small portion to learn each day. Ensure you fully familiarise with one section before moving onto the next.

26. Read Through Your Notes Immediately After Class or Lecture

After class, take the time to go through your notes to familiarise with what you have learned. This will make it easier for you to retrieve information near exam/revision time.

27. Eat Well

Research has shown that having a well-balanced diet can help improve your exam performance. The brain requires key nutrients to perform well, so make sure your diet is rich in vitamins and proteins.

28. Exercise

Besides maintaining a well-balanced diet, taking part in physical activity will enable your heart to pump more oxygen and nutrients to your brain and the rest of your body. The more oxygenated your brain is, the better it works.

29. Train Your Brain

Your brain also needs a workout too. Just like any other muscle in the body, if your brain is not kept active, it will turn latent. Get your brain engaged in various exercises like reading, solving puzzles or try learning something new. You can exercise your brain through a variety of brain training apps.

30. Do One Thing at a Time

Our brains can only focus on one thing at a time, so give your full focus on one topic rather than juggling multiple topics and subjects. Image result for multitask meme

31. Study in Silence

Ideally, you should study in a place that is favourable to learning. Avoid spaces which have too much commotion and noise. Study in a place that is quiet, and if you can, turn off all gadgets that can distract you.

32. Try Mnemonic Devices

A Mnemonic device is a study hack that allows people to remember things via a series of patterns. A popular example is "Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain” for remembering the colours of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet). You can get as creative as you like and come up with your own devices to help you remember formulas, concepts and definitions.

33. Create a "Memory Room”

This is a visual technique, also known as the “Palace Technique", that requires you to imagine all the facts that you need to remember being sorted in a room that you are familiar with.  As you remember these items, “unpack” them, and then place them back to where you put them in your metaphorical room.

34. Tell a Story

A good way to memorise a lot of information is to create an outlandish story which contains all the facts you need to remember. The story can be extremely ridiculous as you like. As long as it helps you remember the facts, then you're on a winner.

35. Sing

Finally, try to sing your revision notes to a sound of your favourite tune. Just like memorising the lyrics to a song, the same concept can be applied directly here. Thanks for reading! Do you know of any other memory hacks? Please let us know in the comments section below.
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