10 Proven Ways to Learn Faster


Student life can be hard, and sometimes, when you have loads of assignments, it feels as if there are not enough hours in the day. 

One way to solve this is to learn how to study faster. In this article, we share 10  proven ways to learn faster.

1. Don't Multi-task

Research by Stanford University has concluded that multitasking actually makes you less productive, less focused, and it hampers your overall grades. And several studies have shown that those who claim they are good at multitasking aren't actually as good at it as the average person.

The modern-day student is plagued with loads of distraction. We're distracted by YouTube, social media, tablets, and our smartphones. So it important to keep distractions to a minimum and just focus on one thing at a time. You'll notice you'll get more done.

2. The Feynman Technique

Renown professor and Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman was an American theoretical physicist. He introduced a study technique that can help supercharge your learning. The concept behind this technique is to explain a complicated topic in simple plain English, as if you are explaining it to 5 year old.

The video below gives a very simple explanation:

The theory is, instead of memorising, if you take the time to understanding the concept, you can recall them much more effectively.

3. Write (Not Type) Your Notes

According to a study by Mueller, when you are studying, you more likely to learn more effectively when you write by hand, than by typing on the laptop. For one, laptops have a lot of easily accessible online distractions.

When writing by hand, you brain is able to process and reframe the information with better clarity.

4. Test Yourself Regularly

There is a ton of research which show that self-testing can improve your academic performance. 

One experiment, conducted by Keith Lyle, a psychologist at the University of Louisville, he taught two groups of undergraduates. With the first group, Lyle asked them to complete a short quiz at the end of the election. The second group was not given any quizzes at all.

At the end of the lecture series, Lyle had found that the group given the short quiz significantly outperformed the other group during their midterm exams.

5. Read Your Notes Out Loud

Studies by MacLead and Ozubko have revealed that reading information out loud can help students learn much faster than reading in silent.

The reason? When you read out loud, you can hear and see the information. When you read in silent, you only see it. Basically, you're using more of your senses to process the information when reading aloud.

6. Take Regular Study Breaks

It is easy to assume that by staying in your room to study for 6 hours straight will make you more productive. But the opposite is true. 

Research by Ariga & Lleras state that by taking regular study breaks, you improve your overall productivity and focus.

It is advised that you take a 5 to 10 minute breaks every 40 to 45 minutes. On your break, avoid using your phone, and instead, go for some fresh air.

7. Drink Water, At least 8 Glasses a Day

As human beings, we are made of 70% water. And did you know, up to 75% of the world's population are in a chronic state of dehydration?

Dehydration is bad. It is bad for your brain, and for your grades too. Research has shown that dehydration can shrink the grey area in your brain.

Make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day. Drink at least 8 glasses of water.

8. Exercise

Exercise is not only good for the body, but it is also good for your brain too. According to a study reported in Brainhealth, exercise can improve your memory and reduce stress. And according to another study, exercise can help improve brain function. 

To truly enjoy the benefits of exercise, we advise that you hit your local gym, jog or take part in a sporting activity at least three times a week. 

9. Avoid All-Nighters

Students who pull all-nighters tend to get lower grades and make more mistakes, that's according to research psychologist Pamela Thatcher. When you make the effort to get 8 hours of sleep a night, you'll notice that you are more focused, you'll learn faster, and you'll also have a better memory. Plus, you'll deal with stress much better as well.

10. Have a Healthy Diet

We actually wrote an article that discusses whether a healthy diet leads to better grades. And we found this to be true. So yes, avoid junk foods and sugary snacks and opt to have more fresh fruit, vegetables, and properly cooked meals in your diet. 

Plus having foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids which can be found in oily fish, walnuts and pumpkin seeds can boost brain function and can reduce test anxiety.

Thanks for reading. What are your thoughts on this topic? Please let us know in the comments section below.

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